Monday, March 9, 2020

Freeing the Slaves-Lincoln essays

Freeing the Slaves-Lincoln essays Many Americans expect President Abraham Lincoln to personally abolished slavery. But a President cannot simply pick up a pencil and draw a plan to completly do away with slavery. Yet this is the common assumption of many Americans today. Legally, slavery is where slaves are the property of other people. The Constitution states that, nobody can be deprived of their property without "due process of law" meaning a legislative act. Congress does not have the power to pass a law outlawing slavery. Lincoln acknowledged this in his first inaugural address. The Constitution has to be amended before Congress can have authority over slavery. The Emancipation Proclamation does not apply to slaves that are in states remaining within the Union. So technically President Lincoln isnt really "freeing the slaves" because not all slaves are going to be free. The slaves in the Confederacy arent going to benefit from this, of course. The recent Emancipation Proclamation was a limited yet complex. It brilliantly redefined that the Civil War is about slavery rather than secession. Lincoln is an inspirational man and should be remarked for his wonderful work to make America what it is today. The United States would never be where it is today without the wonderful work of this great man. Slavery is a sensitive subject to many people and is nothing to take lightly. For some people it is their heritage and for others it is their worst nightmare. No matter what the outcome of the war is, it goes to show that no one person can completely abolish slavery not even the president. ...

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